Institut d'Etudes Européennes et Internationales du Luxembourg
Recent Events
Laurent Mignon
Les chemins de Damas: La Turquie et la question syrienne
le 8 octobre à 18.15h
Casino syndical de Bonnevoie
Liberal democracy in the Asian century
Jointly organized with the Black Sea University Foundation and the European Cultural Centre in Bucharest, on the 22-27 July 2013 in Vama Veche (Romania).
The aim of the seminar was to examine whether the dominating political paradigm in large parts of the world since World War II will remain attractive or even gain in importance. Is it bound to decline and perhaps fade away with the rise of regions and countries that may choose a different path of political and economic development? What will a surge of religious fundamentalism, nationalism, new cultural confrontations, and the contest for ever scarcer natural resources mean for the prospects of liberal society?
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Professeur Domenico Losurdo
sur le thème
Liberté et esclavage
Les contradictions du libéralisme réel
L'Institut d'Etudes Européennes et Internationales du Luxembourg
en association avec le Centre Culturel Italien de Luxembourg
a organisé la conférence "Liberté et esclavage. Les contradictions du liberalisme réel"
le mercredi 10 juillet 2013.
Pour plus d'informations:
Professor Heiner Flassbeck
How to rescue our sinking economies
It took place on Thursday 27 June 2013 at the Maison de l'Europe, Luxembourg.
Xavier Baron
Norman Paech
Le Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient,
l’Institut d’Etudes Européennes et Internationales du Luxembourg
et les Amis du Monde Diplomatique du Luxembourg
ont organisé le cycle de conférences sur la situation politique en Syrie, le 27 juin 2013 et le 4 juillet 2013, à Luxembourg.
Devising a viable future for the area of former Yugoslavia
21 and 22 of June, Belgrade

Arno J. Mayer – Critical Junctures in Modern History
10 and 11 of May, Casino Luxembourg (Forum d'art contemporain)
This conference focused on the work and legacy of Luxembourg-born American historian Arno J. Mayer and aimed to discuss historical phenomena and to analyse them within current and future contexts. The topics chosen for discussion were the following: revolution and counter revolution, the persistence of the Ancien Régime, the 30 Year War of the 20th century, the Final Solution, the Middle East today, the future of American power, and finally continuity and contingency in history - Arno Mayer’s conceptual approach.
An executive summary will be published in the following months.

Religion, secularism and the quest for a decent society
26 and 27 of April, Luxembourg
For this conference scholars, experts and representatives of various religious faiths and non-religious denominations gathered at the Monastery of the Franciscan Congregation in Luxembourg-Belair to discuss and analyse the relationship between religion and secularism in society.
Europe in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
Organised by the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies and the New Policy Forum
in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg and Notre Europe
18-19 May 2012 at the Jean Monnet Building of the European Commission, Luxembourg
Download the Executive Summary of the Conference
Watch the opening address by Mikhail Gorbachev:
I. Plenary session:
II. Plenary session:
II. Plenary session:
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