Institut d'Etudes Européennes et Internationales du Luxembourg
Summer Courses
Since 1994, the Institute has begun organising regular Summer Courses, most of which are held in association with the Black Sea University Foundation.
Summer Courses, in association with the Black Sea University Foundation (in Mangalia or Vama Veche, Romania)
The rise, decline and - demise? revival? of Europe
Vama Veche, Romania, 23-28 July 2012
Searching for a decent international society
Vama Veche, Romania, 15-20 August 2011
Beyond liberalism and socialism: searching for a decent society
in Vama Veche, 23-28 August 2010
Central and Eastern Europe: Twenty Years After
in Vama Veche, 20-25 July 2009
Ideas for a Viable Society in the 21st Century
in Vama Veche, 24-30 August 2008
Telos, Ethos, Demos and the Future of the European Union
in Vama Veche, 20-26 August 2007
The Quest for European Values
in Vama Veche, 20-26 August 2006
The Evolution of Romania and other Black Sea Countries since 1990
(Alumni meeting in association with the Black Sea University Foundation, Bucharest),
in Sibiu, 2-4 June 2006
The Evolution of Mentalities in Eastern Europe and the Future of the European Project
in Vama Veche, 3-9 September 2005
Europe after 2007
in Vama Veche, 1-7 August 2004
Europe after the Iraq War
in Mangalia, 10-16 August 2003
The International Situation after the 11 September
in Mangalia, 11-16 August 2002
The EU after the Summit of Nice
in Mangalia, 30 July - 4 August 2001
Europe in 2010
in Mangalia, 31 July- 5 August 2000
Europe after the War against Serbia
in Mangalia, 29 August - 5 September 1999
The Future of Europe
in Mangalia, 26 July - 2 August 1998
The European Integration Process
in Mangalia, 13-20 July 1997
Political Culture for the European Integration of the Black Sea Societies
in Mangalia, 14-21 July 1996
Consolidation of the New Democracies in Central and Eastern Europe
in Mangalia, 3-9 September 1995
The Future of the European Integration Process
in Mangalia, 2-15 July 1995
Negotiations for Conflict Prevention and Resolution
in Mangalia, 15-28 May 1994
Other Summer Courses
The Role of the EU in the European Security System
(in association with the I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa)
in Odessa, 24-26 July 2006
The European Union: 2005 and beyond
(in association with the Institute for European Studies, Belgrade)
in Kotor, Serbia and Montenegro, 14-16 July 2005
Turkey and the EU: Crucial choices ahead
(in association with the Economic Research Center on Mediterranean Countries, Akdeniz University, Antalya)
in Antalya, Turkey, 12-14 October 2005
Globalisation the European Union and the Western Balkans
(in association with the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University Westminster, the Anglo-Serbian Society, Belgrade and the Association of Fulbright Alumni of Serbia and Montenegro)
in Budva, Montenegro, 29 August-11 September 2004
Quo Vadis Europe?
(Kodoláni János University College in association with LIEIS)
in Székesfehérár, Hungary 12 September 2003
The European Union and South Eastern Europe
(in association the Croatian Centre for International Studies)
in Sipan, 7-13 July 2003